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Student Learning

My students learning was impacted as a result of my action research. My students gained an understanding of not only peer conferencing but also how to improve as writers. In the beginning, some of my students were simply trying to go as fast as possible and provide general and nonconstructive feedback. Some students also had a hard time receiving feedback from their peers as well. Very quickly after modeling examples and non-examples, my students started effectively peer conferencing. The effect of peer conferencing has shown positively through my students post writing scores. The skill of my students being able to help each other through each other's writing is likely one of the most important skills they learned as a result of the action research. My students also learned how to actively listen to each other. A skill that even adults will struggle. With implementing peer conferencing my students had to intently listen to their peer's entire writing in order to give a star, ask a question and give a constructive suggestion. This is a skill in which will serve my students for years to come. My students also benefited from learning how to take feedback in a polite and professional manner. When my students first were conferencing they would become defensive if someone mentioned changing their story. However, by the end of the research my students were able to accept feedback and apply the changes not only to their writing but their work in other content areas as well. 

My professional growth has been impacted positively as a result of this action research. Before this action research I had never taken on a project of this magnitude. The experience I was able to gain from developing a research project is something that I will carry with me throughout my educational career. There were many unknown factors involved with trying to navigate teaching students peer conferencing along with carrying out my district's writing curriculum. There were growing pains throughout this entire process.  When I first implementing students recording themselves, students were more worried about how they looked in the iPad, or making funny faces instead of focusing on the peer conferencing. After modeling examples and non-examples along with coaching these students the novelty effect quickly wore off. Another growing pain was the absences of my students. To control data collection, the writers would always video conference with the same partner each time. However, students are absent from school on a regularly basis. So alteration and shuffling of partners on video conferencing days was on going challenge. While I completed my time-on task I was not always watching the same two students. Even with these growing pains, I believe that my students and myself gained so many learning opportunities, I am eager to implement peer conferencing again in the future.

Professional Growth
Future Teaching

There are many aspects of my action research that I would change in the future. Recognizing that there were many positives that came from this project, but also many areas to improve upon, it also shows the growth of an educator is a lifetime commitment. The first being timing. In education there seems to never be enough. I found myself rushing through writing lessons in order to complete peer conferencing or rushing peer conferencing in order to move onto the next subject. In the future I would like to be able to have a longer action research window or start peer conferencing earlier in the year. That way students could be sharing and improving their writing all year long. I imagine that eight to ten weeks would have provided more positive results for all students. I can only imagine what peer conferencing throughout an entire year would do to writing scores. By starting the school year peer conferencing, setting expectations, and modeling, my students and I will be able to grow as writers from August to May. During my action research it took time to transition to peer conferencing as there were so many routines that went along with the process. By starting off the school year I will be able to have a classroom that can easily transition to peer conferencing with a simple instruction and direction. By having students actively engaged in the peer conferencing process also allows me to focus on my teacher to student conferencing. If the rest of my class is peer conferencing independently this allows me to conference one on one with writers and struggling writers as part of the rotation to ensure that I am meeting  the needs of all of my students throughout the week.  

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